The Early Medieval China Journal

Early Medieval China EMC logo stamp journal

Early Medieval China is the only English language journal devoted exclusively to academic scholarship relating to the period roughly between the end of the Han and beginning of the Tang eras. Boundaries in historical time are rarely abrupt or sharp, so the journal's coverage is occasionally extended in either direction. The focus, though, remains on the people, events, and culture of the years 220-589 A.D.



    Xiaofei Tian, Harvard University


Early Medieval China Group President

    Antje Richter, University of Colorado at Boulder


Early Medieval China Group Secretary-Treasurer

    Matthew Wells, University of Kentucky


Early Medieval China Editorial Board

Robert Campany (Vanderbilt University)

Cynthia Chennault (University of Florida)

Mike Farmer (UT Dallas) 

Keith Knapp (The Citadel)

Paula Varsano (University of California)

Annette Kieser (Münster University)




Please send your submission directly to the editor, Dr. Xiaofei Tian. For further submission information, please refer to the Author Services Portal




Beginning with Volume 21, all institutional subscriptions will be managed by Taylor & Francis.   If you have any questions, please contact T&F Customer Services.




Taylor & Francis offer digital versions of Early Medieval China journal articles from Volume 1 to the current publication.  You can access these articles online at 

Limited Hard Copy Back Issues Now AVAILABLE

Many of you have been receiving the group’s journal, Early Medieval China, since its first issue appeared in 1994. For those of you who would like to make their runs of the journal complete or who are looking for one or more particular issues, we now offer select print back issues:

Inventory List by Volume:
6-13/14: Lots. Boxes and boxes.
15: 5
16: 4
19: 1
22: 3
24: 5
25: 5
26: 5

If you are interested, please first contact the journal’s former editor, J. Michael Farmer, at to check availability. Mike has generously agreed to ship issues to anyone who might be interested on a first-come, first-served basis. To cover shipping costs, we ask for a small fee of $5 for up to 2 issues, add $2 for each additional volume. Only after you have confirmed availability, use the link below to order through PayPal with your credit or debit card. 

Number of volumes
Which volume are you ordering?


Print ISSN: 1529-9104 Online ISSN: 1946-7842

First published in 1994

1 issue per year


Early Medieval China is included in the following services 

  • Arts & Humanities Citation Index
  • European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH)
  • Modern Language Association Bibliography
  • The Bibliography of Asian Studies Online
  • Scopus 






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